Hi There!

Laura Cable lives a life of resilience… on purpose!

Born and raised in Troy, Michigan to a great big family of optimists, Laura Cable was sure her life was on cruise control the moment she received her acceptance letter to New York University’s prestigious Tisch School of the Arts. She was wrong. Comically wrong. But what happened instead was a passion for studying and honing resilience in herself and others. And her life is all the more rich and beautiful because of it!

As a professional actor/singer/dancer on stage, Laura has had the opportunity to share stories with audiences all over the world. Feel free to read more about her ongoing performance career HERE.

And as a motivational speaker, Laura’s unique and contagious perspective shines a light on the ways resilience consistently levels the playing field - how it can turn closed doors, obstacles, and roadblocks into our greatest opportunities. Her message empowers, inspires, and motivates us not to shy away from adversity, but to jump in head first to let the journey teach more than the destination ever could.

Known for her signature enthusiasm and master storytelling, Laura brings a fresh perspective to middle and high school students and the challenges they face. Her message is inspiring, urgent, and crystal clear:

Resilience is our secret weapon. When properly developed, it can - and will - save your life!